
A Second Home

Dear Sylvan Hills Family,
            Throughout the seven decades of Sylvan Hills Christian Service Camp there have undoubtedly been many memories and traditions that stick in the minds of the countless campers and volunteers that attend its summer camps and retreats. One time honored tradition that continues to have a noticeable impact on our campers, and my favorite part of camp, is campfire. After a long day of fun, food, learning and personal time with God, sitting around the campfire offers time to settle down and reflect on the day. There is just something about sitting amongst the glow of the flames, the darkness pushed aside, and focusing on the true light, Jesus Christ.
            Campfire is just the tip of the iceberg of the impact that Sylvan Hills has made on the thousands that have walked its hillsides. Just like one of the verses from the camp song says, “We all have treasure we call our own, mine are these hills I call my home,” many would claim that these hills have truly become their second home. That feeling is not one just for the veterans of Sylvan Hills, but is a feeling that lives on in our youth. 2019 was a true testament to that feeling. We had a total of two hundred and seventy-seven campers in attendance throughout our seven weeks of summer camp, with Special Needs Camp almost reaching its max number of campers and staff with twenty-two campers. We also saw an astounding fifteen campers give their lives to Christ through baptism. It is truly evident that God is working through this place as we continue to see new and familiar faces year to year and add many as a sister or brother into our family.
             While there are many amazing things happening at Sylvan Hills, none of it would be possible without your generous support. The tremendous amount of support through prayer, time spent volunteering, and monetary donations has been very apparent this year. With almost one hundred volunteers giving their time to help get the camp ready for the summer season and the raising of over $14,800 for a new Kubota tractor within no time, we can all see the love for the camp and the value in sharing the Sylvan Hills experience with others.
            As the New Year rapidly approaches, we enter into a new vision of Sylvan Hills through continued preservation of traditions and future improvements. However, registration fees for regular camp weeks only cover a portion of annual expenses. The rest is provided through church support and your donations. Would you prayerfully consider making a special year-end gift to Sylvan Hills this Christmas season?
We pray that God fixes our hearts on continued support of these hills we call our home. We hope you will consider or continue to give financial support, volunteer, use our facilities for your retreats or gatherings, and pray for Sylvan Hills. You can give by mailing a check using the attached form or donating online at: sylvanhills.org
On behalf of Sylvan Hills Christian Service Camp Board of Directors, we thank you for your support and all that you do. May God bless you this Christmas season and into the coming year.
God Bless,
Joshua Fishburn
Camp Director, Sylvan Hills Christian Service Camp

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